Simple and detailed instructions on how to make a floor in a bath with your own hands. This briefing for beginner builders who want to know how to build a floor in a bath with your own hands will help you save a considerable amount of money and your own forces spent on construction procedures. You can also easily avoid unpleasant moments in the process of performing some type of work, for example, floor insulation in the bath.
The waterproofing of the floor in the bath is a continuous layer of boards, where the drainage system is built along the means of the inclined surface of the intermediate flooring towards the outlet tube, which transfers the entire excess fluid to the water collector (located somewhere in the underground). The water that is trapped is excreted outside the barrel by gravity using an inclined type of pipe.
Paul photos in the bath
Somewhere under the upper layer of flooring from a barn for the floor, a warm lining is hidden, laid on the lower level of the lag made of second-rate timber. A cotton or bulk type of thermal insulation material in a layer protects the corresponding building materials used in the decoration from moisture and steam.
Ventilation of the floor in a bathhouse will be predominantly through type, since between its structural elements a certain size of the hole of three or five millimeters for free runoff in the underground sprayed with special washing devices are specially made. Due to the open type of structure, the floor in the bathhouse will always remain cool, so this option of arranging the structure is suitable only for the type of structures that is located in areas with relatively warm climatic conditions.
Examples of floor posting in the bath
For a certain number of regions of our Motherland, with more merciless weather conditions, a similar design of the bath room is almost completely unsuitable for use, due to the impossibility of using the insulation material of the flooring and sufficient protection of the legs of steamers from the air flowing with air from the area of the underground.
The latter stroke in the manufacture of the floor will be the laying of the finished coating from the downtled finishing material. It is better to lay them in such a way that the appropriate installation groove is constantly located at the bottom of the structural elements. All together will help protect the coating from annoying damage to the castle during the installation of plank flooring.
The typical design of the floors requires mandatory ventilation of the inner layers. To fulfill this condition, a pipe is lowered into the space between the re -built and black flooring, the end of which is displayed on the top cover.
Black floor device with insulation in the bath – video