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Drill tiles – the task is not complicated, but requires certain knowledge and skills. Despite the strength of the tiles – fragile material, and an illiterate approach to its drilling can lead to peeling of the glaze and cracking of the coating.
To avoid unpleasant consequences for work, you will need:
drill with different drilling modes;
Spear -shaped drill for glass and tiles of tungsten carbide, or winning;
diamond crowns for holes for hood and outlets (various diameters);
margin for marking;
Maslar tape, or adhesive tape or island.
Secrets of proper drilling:
It is not recommended to make holes close to the edge and in the seams of the tiles, the shock mode should be turned off on the drill.
Drills slide along the smooth surface of the tile, so it is recommended:
Sticking a fabric adhesive plaster is the best material for fixing the drill, or masking tape.
Mark the point by the felt -tip pen.
Perform a depression – melting, scratching a drilling point of drilling.
General tips on how to drill tiles:
The drill should be kept at an angle of 90 ° to the drilling surface.
Make sure that the drill and the drilling place do not overheat. Overheating entails cracking of tile layers. To cool the drill lower it into the water.
Drill the drill at low speeds, recommended – up to 1000 rpm.
Try not to put pressure on the drill, excessive effort leads to breaks of tiles.
When the tile is drilled, change the drill. The following should be intended for this wall material. Select the drill according to the diameter of the hole
In order to prevent chips, drill a tile with a drill of a larger diameter, and a wall under the tile – smaller.
If necessary, you can make a hole even in the seam, for this the diameter of the hole should be no wider than the seam and get exactly into the middle. Drilling at the edge of the tile will most likely lead to a scole, because voids are formed in these places; as a rule, glue and solution do not get there.
How to choose a drill:
To drill small holes, the diameter of which is 4-14mm, it is recommended to use winning – carbide fox drill; Their special sharpening protects against cracking.
Holes with a diameter of 16-100mm for a sewer pipe and mixer are drilled with crowns with carbito-wolframa or diamond spray or tubular drill. They also make holes in the tile on the floor.
Ballerin drill for holes with a diameter of 26mm and more. The convenience is that on this tool you can adjust any diameter, which means that the cost of different drills will not require. But the ballerinka requires special skills in work, so it is recommended to practice unnecessary tiles.