Stretch ceilings – one of the components of expensive repairs. But curious masters who are not afraid to master new techniques know that such a ceiling can be mounted independently without resorting to the help of a team of professionals.
Anyone who has experience of finishing work and some inventory will be able to cope with this task.
Having bought a canvas for a stretch ceiling, you need to leave it to lie freely in a warm room. If the creases are not allowed to level, then you can get rid of them only a few months after installation.
Another important point: the larger the area of the room, the greater the likelihood of sagging a stretch ceiling.
Properties of a stretch ceiling:
– water resistance;
– Any spot is very resistant;
– It is necessary to unfold the canvas, evenly heating it;
– If the canvas with a varnish coating, it must be “glossy” – evenly heated with a construction hairdryer or gas generator.
Preliminary preparation consists of the following stages:
accurately remove measurements of the ceiling;
mount the profile;
Install racks for fasteners.
What stages will be the installation of a stretch ceiling with your own hands?
– Installation and fixing of the weer ceiling canvas;
– Installation of lamps.
A good result depends on the accuracy of measurements. On paper, you need to depict a ceiling scheme on which to mark the size.
In addition to the length of each side, it is necessary to apply the length of the diagonals drawn from the corners of the room. The maximum permissible error is 0.5 cm. On the diagram, you need to apply the location of the doors, windows, pipes.
So adhesive seams will be located in the most convenient place.
Before starting installation, it is necessary to align the ceiling in level. Profiles are attached to one another throughout the ceiling area.
The ceiling length should be two centimeters exceeding the length of the profile. Monting the profile, you must remember the height of the lamps, it should not exceed the distance between the ceiling and profile.
Difficulties can occur with corner docking profile. It must be performed in the same way as the docking of the ceiling plinth is done: from the edge of the profile you need to retreat 0.5 cm and cut up 45 degrees in the direction upward.
Profile fasteners are produced in level, step width is not more than 8 cm (for concrete, drywall, brick walls).
Having determined the location of the lamps, you need to fix the racks for them and bring electricity. A plumb line or laser to the floor, it is necessary to project points marking the center of the lamp. This will be needed when the ceiling is already closed by the canvas.
DIY stretch ceiling installation: full work technology
– Installation should start from the corner determined in advance. The fastening locks must be fixed 15 cm of the canvas on each side of the corner.
– Then you need to carefully warm up the film and gradually put it on profiles. The heated canvas becomes elastic, its area increases by 10%. Cooling, it returns to the same size and stretches, without sagging.
– The elasticity of the canvas must be constantly monitored, avoiding overheating.
– The heated canvas is fixed in the middle of each side. For this you need a special tool – a wedge, it is also called a “harpoon” or a castle lock.
– When one side is fixed in the middle, you need to finish the fasteners, going on the other side. So, in stages, the whole canvas will be fixed. The detected creases and folds must be warmed up.
– No need to achieve instant disappearance of all lines, some are insolent over time.
– When the canvas is fixed, it must be warmed up again, not forgetting to ventilate the room then.
– To install spotlights, you need to navigate the marks made on the floor using a plumb line or laser.
– Having felt for the rack and determining the center, it is necessary to glue the ring on top of the film with cyanacrylate. When the glue dries, the film is cut out inside the ring with a sharp knife, the light is screwed. Installation of the stretch ceiling finished.