How many times have they insisted to the world – caution and caution, but – it was not there. We constantly discover something previously unknown and harmful to ourselves in familiar, it would seem, things. Authors of the project “Eaterial. Environmentally friendly building materials ”have found that today more than half of all building materials do not correspond to GOSTs. Of course, we are talking about the “uncontrolled market”, but how to distinguish controlled from spontaneous? Try to know.
Here, for example, we acquire a flooring. Of course, the most harmless – wood coating: board, parquet, etc. D. But, they have to be protected using various varnishes, putty and stain. And it is precisely at this stage that it may well happen that you completely ruin the expensive material. It turns out that the evaporation of synthetic varnishes may contain dangerous substances such as toluene or xylol. In addition to irritation of the eyes and skin, they can give a very dangerous violation of the central nervous system. All kinds of adhesive compositions that contain the same Toluol and Acetone are unsafe. The result of working with them can subsequently be impaired function of the reproductive system in women. The imitator of the tree is a laminated parquet. But he is completely unsafe. The formaldehyde that is part of the materials used is harmful to your immune and nervous system. It may well be one of the causes of cancer.
Not much benefit from linoleum coating. Its polymer composition includes a variety of organic substances. With an increase in temperature, they can be released and also be dangerous.
From the carpet can be expected such a problem as ticks provoking allergies.
Ceramic tiles are not harmful in itself. But here you have to be careful when choosing glue – it may well include phenol and toluene.
If you purchase wallpaper, make sure that the material you buy is airy. In addition, some wallpaper can be released by benzene. As you know, this is a strong carcinogen. Thus, it is necessary to look more closely at the usual paper wallpaper, choosing the least dangerous glue for work. As for vinyl wallpaper, experts believe that it is more advisable to finish only the hallway or kitchen.
Probably few people doubt that plastic is not useful. It fails from the heat, from the effects of aggressive chemical environments, when heated, it can emit harmful gases, household dust settles on it … All this is very dangerous for the human respiratory system.
It must be especially attentive when acquiring varnishes and colors. Polyvinyl chloride included in their composition can do a lot of harm, penetrating the blood and liver.
Thus, you always need to keep in mind that cheaply “in the market around the corner” cannot always be safe. However, expensive material in the Super Salon is able to bring a couple of new problems into your life. How to be? The main thing is not to rush with the purchase, pay attention to the presence of marks about environmental safety, read the relevant literature. In the end, not every year we have been repairing! Luckily…